Beyond the falls [Open Wild]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Beyond the falls [Open Wild]
POSTED ON Nov 28, 2018 0:31:20 GMT
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Meteor Falls was more beautiful than she remembered. From the serene waterfalls to the calming waters, it was so beautiful and calming that it could easily lull someone into sleep. And that was exactly what happened to Ash. She was enjoying the sights with her Pokémon and then the next thing she knew she was knocked out.

There was no telling just how long she was out but luckily her Golett woke her from her slumber. ”I’m up!” Ash quickly shot up, looking around to situate her surroundings. Her Golett just stared at its trainer blankly, wandering why she was so flustered.

”How long was I out for?!” She wouldn’t get answer to this question; it wasn’t like Colossus had any idea. Luckily it seemed that no one had messed with while she slept, her Golett keeping good watch and care of her while she was passed out. Ash let out a deep sigh as she adjusted herself, her clothes had gotten a bit dirty.

All things considered falling asleep up against the cave wall wasn’t as bad as she thought it was going to be. Would she do it again? Not if she had a choice but given her situation she figured thinking on the brighter side of things would make her feel better.

At least she wasn’t drooling or anything. She checked her watch to see if she could figure how long she had been out. ”Hmm only dozed off for a couple of minutes.” That was good, would have been terrible if she had been asleep for hours. ”Let’s keep exploring the falls.” Perhaps there were some rare Pokémon she could run into and catch. There were also parts of the falls that she hadn’t been to so visiting those spots as well would be nice.

OOC: Open wild! Come on in!

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Beyond the falls [Open Wild]
POSTED ON Nov 28, 2018 0:52:12 GMT
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the things that you might like don't grow inside of me

After visiting Johto Ryusuke had to admit he'd acquired something of a newfound appreciation for Meteor Falls.

During his first tour of Hoenn the place hadn't really been anything all that special. A cave with a lot of flowing water, but that was really about it. Beyond that? Plenty of loose nooks and crannies to get lost in an a number of dead ends that had required Rangers to keep someone nearby just in case an inept trainer got lost, but that was about it. Blackthorn, however, had given him a very different perspective on the place. He'd been allowed to enter Dragon's Den during his visit there as the grandson of one of the elders, and the place had been... different. Ryusuke wasn't the kind of person who tended to get sentimental all that often, but that cavern was a unique place. Alive in a way that he hadn't been able to quite describe, and even though he'd technically wasted the opportunity as none of the resident Dragons had seen him worthy of their presence.... the experience had changed him in a way that Ryusuke didn't entirely understand himself.

And while it was a subtle thing, Meteor Falls had the same quality that the Den did. Nothing that your average trainer was going to notice, but it did explain why so many of Hoenn's resident Dragon Tamers held the place in such high regard.

Clothed in his usual red duster, black tank top and matching boots/pants, the blond took a moment to simply stand inside of the cave's entrance and take it in, the bright sunlight warming his back as Grovyle continued straight past him into the brightly lit cavern. Ryusuke hadn't planned their visit there, but now that they'd arrived...

"Keep your eyes open, would you? I know I'm not the only one that remembers Golbat seem to love this place." Ryusuke said after a moment, glancing down at Grovyle's back as the Wood Gecko simply mumbled something that sounded like agreement, although the casual waving of the Pokemon's arm indicated that he was only listening in the vaguest sense. Checking the Pokeballs at his belt, Ryusuke would soon continue after the Grass type, his boots crunching where they hit the cave's stone floor along with the occasional wet splash.

made by duet of gs
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TAG WITH @shiv
Beyond the falls [Open Wild]
POSTED ON Nov 28, 2018 7:15:21 GMT
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what will you do?

male / levitate[break]
mud bomb / hydro pump / double slap / belly drum

@marvelous2 & @ryusuke




what will you do?

male / torrent[break]
water pulse / skull bash / rapid spin / protect

@marvelous2 & @ryusuke

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Beyond the falls [Open Wild]
POSTED ON Nov 29, 2018 5:43:54 GMT
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She wasn’t alone in the falls; there was another trainer and Pokémon pair that was wandering about the caverns ready to find what the depths might hold for them. But before she could meet them there was something or better yet someone who she would have to deal with first.

Ash and her Golett leisurely walked through the falls, only the sounds of their own footsteps and the rushing whatever nearby to keep them company. The peace was so nice that they were unaware of the disturbed water nearby. A rather curious Wartortle poked its head out of the water, spotting the duo passing by.

A devilish grin grew on the Pokémon’s face as it devised a plan to have some fun with these trespassers to his domain. It dipped back into the water, getting in position to commence its plan. Colossus stopped in its tracks, something was off.

The little automaton looked around, there was something wrong. But it couldn’t see anything so the Golett went back to following its trainer. But it’s sixth sense was still kicking and it was right to be on guard as the Wartortle lunged into action, jumping out of the water and firing off a Water Pulse attack headed straight for Ash.

The Redgrave was completely thrown off by the sudden attack, not prepared to react to it but luckily for her Colossus jumped in the way and took the attack. ”Colossus!” The Pokémon was alright but the attack certainly did some damage considering the type advantage.

Ash checked on the Golett, making sure it was alright before turning to face the Wartortle. As soon as she turned she was blasted by a Water Pulse attack. Now she was already pissed and to add being soaked by water and in pain? She was going to punt this little bastard into the sun.

And to add icing to the cake the damn turtle was laughing at her! ”Ah so this is funny to you huh?” Ash was beyond frustrated; an evil smile appeared as she pulled out a certain pokeball. She released Atlas, the Metagross almost immediately intimidating the absolutely shit out of the Wartortle.

”Aww hell no you’re not getting away you little shit! Atlas use Psychic!” Ash spoke, catching the Wartortle trying to disappear into the water. The turtle was caught in the Metagross’ psychic grasp and was then violently pulled out from the water and closer to itself and its trainer.

The Wartortle was then dropped onto the ground, making a loud thud sound as it hit the ground. The wild Pokémon was hurt and flabbergasted, probably regretting ever having messed with this human. ”Not so funny now is it?” Ash smirked, the smugness of said smirk irritating the Wartortle to the point that the Pokémon attacked her.

It was swiftly met with a Bullet Punch by Atlas, knocking the Pokémon into a cave wall. There wasn’t going to be anymore problems coming from the Wartortle after that and it a rather impulsive moment Ash threw a pokeball at the water type.

”Kinda like the balls on that one, even if it’s it was just a giant pain in my ass.” Ash said, coming up with an excuse for the Metagross at her side that was questioning that decision. She then pulled off her coat and started to wring it out, cursing under her breath as she did so.

It was then that she spotted another trainer and his Pokémon, curious as to how much he might have spotted a moment ago. She wasn’t paying him much mind at the moment as she was soaking wet and was now checking on Colossus again.

OOC: @ryusuke

Capture Attempt

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Beyond the falls [Open Wild]
POSTED ON Dec 1, 2018 3:09:38 GMT
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the things that you might like don't grow inside of me

That was odd. Traversing deeper into the brightly lit space Ryusuke was more than a little surprised at the lack of greeting from the usual pests, even after a few minutes in. Normally by that point he and Grovyle would've been getting swarmed by Zubat and Golbat or accidentally stepped on a Geodude, at least unless he'd chosen to use a Repel before setting foot in the space. So far, though, nothing.

Not that Ryusuke was really complaining. More than anything else the cave was bringing a few old memories back up, ones that Ryusuke didn't find even remotely distasteful. While his relationship with his mother was... well, complicated, she was still family and this had been one of the last locations they'd visited before Ryusuke had left for Hoenn. Grovyle had still been a Treecko back then and Charizard his only other Pokemon, albeit far more of a mentor and guardian rather than a Pokemon willing to fight on his behalf in ordinary trainer battles.

Predictably, also the site of one of his many losses against the woman as it had also been the last location they'd had a sparring match. He hadn't a prayer of winning, but it had taught him a number of useful tricks and tactics that he and Grovyle had used to great effect since. It had gotten them used to fighting opponents who were always stronger than them, to take every inch they were offered in a fight and exploit every opening they could find in an opponent's guard. Obviously it wouldn't guarantee wins in the future against similarly strong or well prepared opponents, but it had turned a number of otherwise certain defeats into far more even fights.

Coming up to one of the many lakes that had formed beneath the underground waterfalls, Ryusuke paused for a moment as the path branched off into two distinct choices. The first one was fairly obvious, a sturdy wooden bridge that led across the point where the lake thinned into one of many smaller waterfalls that allowed the lake to drain rather than overflow and flood the entire cave. That path was a familiar one, and the option he had taken during his last visit. The second one, however... Ryusuke didn't remember it existing. It wasn't much of one, more a distinct trail where the crumbled rock and gravel had been smoothed and flattened by a number of boots over a period of time and it led to one of the less steep cliff faces, but it seemed to continue beyond that and deeper into the cave.

Given the new experiences Ryusuke had acquired since leaving Hoenn, the choice was obvious.

"Hey, Grovyle? We're heading this way this time." Ryusuke said after a moment, having paused to think as he looked at the low cliff. Grovyle, having already started to step onto the bridge, would himself pause for a moment as he tilted his head to allow one eye to look back at the human over his shoulder. The other was clearly just as focused on the bridge, the Wood Gecko thinking on whether or not to press the matter as he then glanced to the path Ryusuke was talking about. After a moment, though, the Pokemon would shrug and turn about, moving towards the path and this time keeping pace with the blond as they moved ahead.

At least, that was until they arrived at the steep slope. While there were more than enough hand holds to grab onto, fact was that biology had been far more generous to the Wood Gecko where the act of climbing was involved. Even as Ryusuke found his starting point and began to pull himself up Grovyle had already found his own path and began darting upwards, practically running up the nearly vertical slope to pop up over the upper edge well before the blond had reached the halfway point.

Curiously enough, to see that they weren't alone. Blinking but relatively unsurprised as the path had been well traveled, the Wood Gecko would glance over the other human and- a Metagross? Interesting. While the Wood Gecko's mind hadn't been following the same line of thought and memory as Ryusuke's had before, it was now. Stepping backwards a moment to place himself at the very edge of the cliff as Grovyle was well aware that his human partner wasn't in sight, the Wood Gecko would tilt his head to glance downwards towards Ryusuke to keep track of his partner's progress - about two thirds of the way up by that point.

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Beyond the falls [Open Wild]
POSTED ON Dec 4, 2018 0:28:25 GMT
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male / torrent[break]
water pulse / skull bash / rapid spin / protect

@marvelous2 & @ryusuke

If you need more spawns, please indicate in the mod requests! ♥

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Beyond the falls [Open Wild]
POSTED ON Dec 5, 2018 7:30:44 GMT
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what will you do?

male / swift swim[break]
muddy water / hydro pump / uproar / echoed voice

@marvelous2 & @ryusuke




what will you do?

male / mold breaker[break]
dual chop / dragon pulse / taunt / slash

@marvelous2 & @ryusuke

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Beyond the falls [Open Wild]
POSTED ON Dec 15, 2018 6:50:42 GMT
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As the Wood Gecko glanced over the other human and her Metagross it was met in kind. She threw her coat back on, while it was still somewhat wet it would do for now, and tilted her head a bit slightly at the Grovyle, a brow raised.

The Pokémon had left its trainer below, its natural abilities making it much better at traversing difficult terrain than a human would. ”Didn’t feel like waiting huh?” She walked over to the edge, peering over to see the trainer of the Wood Gecko scaling the Cliffside. Ash would glance over to the Gecko one last time before calling out to the guy below.

”If you need some help I can get my Metagross here to life you up via psychic, your choice of course.” If the lad accepted the help he would feel an invisible force overcome his body as he would then be gently lifted up and over the Cliffside before being placed carefully on his two feet.

Regardless if he chose to climb the rest of the way himself or not, Ash would take the time to return her Golett, allowing the Pokémon to get some much needed rest. She’d then turn to face the other human who would be up here by now.

”Name’s Ash.” It was a short introduction as noise broke in the nearby water. The last time something came out of the water it ended up being a giant pain in the ass so Ash wasn’t going to have any of it today.

The Pokémon that decided to pop its head out was a Palpitoad but it was greeted by a piercing glare that would stop a rampaging herd of Tauros in their tracks. As fast as the Pokémon came up it went back down, not wanting to face the wrath of this human. It was a wise decision on its part.

”Hope you’ve been having a better time dealing with the Pokémon in this cave than I have.” Ash huffed, not sure if it was something she did or just fate deciding why not when it came to the bad luck that she was having.

Hopefully it would turn around soon, last thing she wanted was to get soaked again. Luckily the Pokémon understood that she wasn’t playing and got out of dodge, heaven knows how much of a gasket she might have blown otherwise.

OOC: @ryusuke
sorry for the lateness!

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